Hayden and Layla's Place

Abbey May 16, 2012

Filed under: Mommy — karagoodwin @ 7:33 pm
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Boy, are these kids interested in our cat Abbey lately!  They love to pick her up, and bless her kitty heart she tolerates it.  It was funny enough seeing Hayden do it, and I about fell over laughing when I saw Layla waltz up to her and pick her up.  Of course, I rushed over to assist – Abbs is little for a kitty but still a lot for a 2 year old to hold.

There’s been a lot of attention on all of the animals by the kids lately, and with it a lot of coaching as well.  They usually mean well, but they are usually a little too rough or pokey.  I think the most overused terms in our house currently are “Gentle!” and “Not the eyes!” 😉  I love seeing them enjoy the pets.  I remember being little and loving picking up my cat, too (and I remember being told off for not holding her the right way, too) and wanting to ride my dog like a horse like they seem to want to do.  I also love watching how patient the dogs and cat are with them.  I’m sure it helps that they know John and I have their backs and are watching carefully that they aren’t getting hurt, but it’s very endearing to see them tolerate getting laid on, kissed, smooshed, and pulled.  Lucy even started giving Layla kisses this morning when she was messing with her and saying, “Good girl, Lucy.”


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