Hayden and Layla's Place

Ice Cream Dress August 11, 2010

Filed under: Mommy,Uncategorized — karagoodwin @ 9:28 pm

My friend Faith told me and our friend Stephanie about a “sew a long” where people sign up into an online community where over a specified period of time everyone made a dress from the same pattern.  The two hosts posted hints and tips over the time to help, and members could ask questions of the community along the way if they got stuck.  I decided it sounded like fun and joined.  I hadn’t made a garment from a pattern before so what a great time to try for the first time, when I had the support of nearly 300 people!  The pattern was for what was called the “ice cream dress” from Oliver + S.  I made this for Layla in size 12 – 18 months, so she should be able to fit into it when it gets warm next year.  I was hoping by then her growth will slow down some so she can fit into it for a longer period of time than she is fitting through her current clothes! 

It was so fun making this dress, and I love the result.  Layla was not impressed when I was trying to work on it with her in the swing or on a quilt on the floor, so I found the best way to sew it was while wearing her in her baby carrier.  She falls asleep pretty quickly that way, and I could actually get a good stretch of sewing time without interruption (as Hayden was always napping, asleep for the night, or off somewhere with John).  The pattern comes with two dress variations and one blouse version, so I will definitely be doing those at some point.  At the moment I am working on this shirt for myself.  I started it a couple of weeks ago and have not been able to carve out much time for it.  It has buttonholes which is the first time I have done those, so I had to teach myself how to do that which took up some of the little time I have been able to devote to it.  Now that Layla has started taking naps in her crib, though, maybe I will have more time (although Hayden is not taking a nap every day now so maybe not!).


2 Responses to “Ice Cream Dress”

  1. Trail's Crafts Says:

    Cute dress!

  2. Anita Says:

    Cool Kara, that’s really good x

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